Physical Therapy Question & Answer

  • What is physical therapy?

    If you’ve been injured in an automobile accident or another kind of accident, physical therapy can help you heal. Physical therapy, or rehabilitation, involves strengthening and stretching exercises with a physical therapist that enhance healing, reduce recovery time, and prevent future injuries.

    Injuries that physical therapy can help you recover from include:
    ●  Neck and back injuries
    ●  Sprains and strains
    ●  Brain and spinal cord injuries
    ●  Joint injuries
    ●  Post-surgical healing
    ●  Chronic pain

    In some cases, physical therapy and other natural treatments are all you need to heal from injuries, without the need for medications or surgery.

  • What are the benefits of physical therapy?

    If you’ve been in an accident, physical therapy sessions can provide you with a number of health and wellness benefits, such as:
    ●  Improvements in mental and physical capabilities
    ●  An easier time completing everyday tasks
    ●  Faster healing from injuries
    ●  Improved strength and flexibility
    ●  Decreases in chronic pain
    ● Better posture

    Your provider customizes physical therapy sessions for you based on the type and severity of the injury you suffered.

  • What should I expect during my physical therapy sessions?

    Your physical therapist lets you know what to expect during your sessions, and how many treatments you require to achieve optimal results. Your provider creates a treatment plan that best matches your individual needs and it might include:
    ●  In-office stretching and strengthening exercises
    ●  At-home strength and stretching exercises
    ●  Assistive devices to enhance mobility, if necessary
    ●  Braces for added support and to prevent future injuries
    ●  Rehab exercises that improve cognitive function
    ●  Nutrition counseling to optimize healing
    ●  Chronic pain management strategies
    ●  Using ComforTrac for added traction when you sleep

    The providers at Rocky Mountain Accident Care may recommend other natural treatments in addition to physical therapy, such as chiropractic adjustments, acupuncture, massage, heat or ice therapy, ultrasound therapy, or interferential nerve stimulation.

    The staff at RMAC try their best to avoid surgery, but may refer you to a specialist if surgery gives you the best chance of making a full recovery. If you’ve been injured in an accident, call Rocky Mountain Accident Care for an evaluation today or book an appointment online.

Imaging Question & Answer

  • What are imaging tests?

    Imaging tests allow doctors to view the inside of your body. These tests are an important part of injury assessments, as they help your provider diagnose broken bones, internal bleeding, and numerous other injuries that can turn serious or heal improperly if left untreated.

  • Which imaging tests might I need?

    Based on your medical history and symptoms, your provider lets you know which imaging tests are needed to properly diagnose your injury. They may recommend:

    X-rays use radiation (electromagnetic waves) to create pictures of the inside of your body. Your provider might recommend an X-ray to rule out or diagnose broken bones.

    CT scans
    CT, or computed tomography, scans are imaging tests that use special X-ray equipment to check the inside of your body for internal bleeding, blood clots, and broken bones after you’ve been in an automobile or other accident.

    MRI scans
    During an MRI, or magnetic resonance imaging, your provider uses magnetic fields and radio waves to view the inside of your body. MRIs help diagnose torn ligaments, brain or spinal cord injuries, and numerous other personal injuries.

    Ultrasounds are imaging tests that use sound waves to view organs, such as your liver, kidneys, heart, and other structures inside your body. Your provider uses a device called a transducer to send sound waves through your body and create images without radiation.

  • What should I expect during imaging tests?

    What you should expect during an imaging test depends on which type of test you require.
    ● During an ultrasound, you lie on a table while a technician moves a transducer over injured areas of your body
    ● For an MRI, you lie on a table that slides inside of a tunnel-shaped machine
    ● A CT scan involves lying still on a table that passes through a special X-ray machine, and possibly receiving dye to enhance images of your body
● During X-rays, you might wear an apron to protect certain parts of your body, as your provider uses a machine that produces electromagnetic waves to create images

    Imaging tests are simple procedures your doctor uses to properly diagnose auto accident and other personal injuries, and determine which treatment best matches your needs. When you’re ready for an injury assessment after an auto accident, call Rocky Mountain Accident Care or use the online scheduler today.